Archive | 8:59 -07:0009


2 Sep

I wasted a good deal of time yesterday on the guilty-pleasure of just being lazy. And, it doesn’t appear that today will be any different. My mind is empty akin to unoccupied train carriages yawning to be filled. At this moment, I am somewhere in-between stations silently waiting to board for a destination of clarity.

I suppose I have some point to make. But between there and here, I think that that point fell over the edge and just slipped away. In fact, it is highly suspect that if there was indeed a point to make at all that I would feel compelled to substantiate that point here. Which proves that the point I thought I was making, in actuality, is no point at all ~

I do hope that you too will take pleasure in a perfectly lazy Sunday


2 Sep

I got to know Joan Didion after I read The Year of Magical Thinking. A Tour de Force non-fiction account on the death of her husband and the year spent in grief over her aloneness without him. Notwithstanding my research into her persona, which I found to be unlikable and very pretentious, the other night I picked up The White Album, idle and non-descript, from oft one of my bookshelves.

Published in 1979, this book is a collection of novelistic essays based on key events, such as the Manson murders; the Black Panthers; Huey Newton …. that happened during the 1960s, woven around her own mental instability at the time (yawn). Though written with linguistic accuracy, Didion’s disconnect drifts in and out, lending the text a mutable metaphorical quality that is, in my opinion, dark and boring.

Other than the flow of a meticulous movement of words, Didion’s ‘look-at-me’ was so intrusive that it made what could have been a very good read, an unpleasant one.

Essays-originally published 1979/Simon & Schuster

Farrer, Straus and Giroux [soft cover] 2009/223 pages

O Adonai

Reflections on the Christian Church

Seeking Theosis

Growing closer to be Christ-like in nature

The Morning Offering

Commentary on Orthodox Living

the sermonator

sermons and other musings from Jeremy Marshall


Meditations of an Orthodox Scribe ~ Matt. 13:52

Through the Grace of God

Orthodox Christianity

Thinking on Scripture

Thinking on Scripture with Dr. Steven R. Cook

Jesus is the Centre, Gospel Teaching Life Church

Therefore, God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, (Philippians 2:9 NIV).


Meanderings of a Retired Sojourner

Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

One Woman, Three Acres.