Archive | 8:59 -07:0008

Reading two at a time ….. oh my.

8 Aug

I knew when I did it that I would soon be facing a predicament, but I did it anyway. Night before last, I started reading The Last Colony. And, all I can say is, I had to force myself to book-mark my page so I could get some sleep. Told from Perry’s point of view, this book picks up where Old Man’s War ends. I may have to read this in the light of day just to circumvent withdrawals.

I’m also keeping company with The Dark Monk. This is going to be interesting. One minute I’m in futuristic space, and the next, in a 17th century Bavarian monastery. I can hardly breathe.

O Adonai

Reflections on the Christian Church

Seeking Theosis

Growing closer to be Christ-like in nature

The Morning Offering

Commentary on Orthodox Living

the sermonator

sermons and other musings from Jeremy Marshall


Meditations of an Orthodox Scribe ~ Matt. 13:52

Through the Grace of God

Orthodox Christianity

Thinking on Scripture

Thinking on Scripture with Dr. Steven R. Cook

Jesus is the Centre, Gospel Teaching Life Church

Therefore, God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, (Philippians 2:9 NIV).


Meanderings of a Retired Sojourner

Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

One Woman, Three Acres.