12 Sep

Sometimes we buy books because they complete a series. Even if we don’t particularly care if the story continues. The first was good but not that good. Can I have one without the others? I don’t think so.

Sometimes we buy books because we just can’t stop looking at the cover art. It speaks something sotto voce that only the looker can hear. Never mind that the story is probably not a plausible one – no matter. It is a book that must own the admirer.

Sometimes we buy a book where neither of these options are relevant. We buy, quite simply put, because we relate. It is a story we should have written. A story we could have written. But didn’t.

I’ll add a book to my ever expansive library because I can. Whether I like the story very much or a tolerable little; I’ll add the book because it calls to a deepness that only the two of us relate to; and, to the best in me, the one I could have written, if only ….. I’ll add the book because within the recesses, there are friends who wait; foes to conquer; dreams to dream – I’ll add the book, and sooner or later, I’ll read the book – if only for a while to live in it.

One Response to “JOURNAL ENTRY”

  1. Silvia Thomson September 12, 2014 at 8:59 -07:0009 #

    I love this.

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